Fact Friday

Fact Friday 76 – Historic Belmont, Villa Heights, & Optimist Park - Recent Years

Fact Friday 76 – Historic Belmont, Villa Height...

Happy Friday everyone! A close look at the church cornerstones reveals a major change that the survey area experienced in the mid 1960s. Belmont, Villa Heights, and the other subdivisions...

Fact Friday 76 – Historic Belmont, Villa Height...

Happy Friday everyone! A close look at the church cornerstones reveals a major change that the survey area experienced in the mid 1960s. Belmont, Villa Heights, and the other subdivisions...

Fact Friday 75 – Historic Belmont, Villa Heights, & Optimist Park - The Privately-Developed Subdivisions

Fact Friday 75 – Historic Belmont, Villa Height...

Happy Friday everyone! At the same time that the factories, textile mills, and company-owned housing were going up along the railroads, a number of private developers were building suburban subdivisions...

Fact Friday 75 – Historic Belmont, Villa Height...

Happy Friday everyone! At the same time that the factories, textile mills, and company-owned housing were going up along the railroads, a number of private developers were building suburban subdivisions...

Fact Friday 74 – Historic Belmont, Villa Heights, & Optimist Park - The Mills and Their Villages

Fact Friday 74 – Historic Belmont, Villa Height...

Happy Friday everyone! The three mills were begun between 1888 and 1897, a critical decade in Mecklenburg County's economic development. In that short period the county moved from having a...

Fact Friday 74 – Historic Belmont, Villa Height...

Happy Friday everyone! The three mills were begun between 1888 and 1897, a critical decade in Mecklenburg County's economic development. In that short period the county moved from having a...

Fact Friday 73 – Historic Belmont, Villa Heights, & Optimist Park - The Early Beginnings

Fact Friday 73 – Historic Belmont, Villa Height...

Happy Friday everyone! Each week I end the Fact Friday with a note to send me interesting facts or ideas if you guys have them for consideration in the newsletter....

Fact Friday 73 – Historic Belmont, Villa Height...

Happy Friday everyone! Each week I end the Fact Friday with a note to send me interesting facts or ideas if you guys have them for consideration in the newsletter....