Fact Friday 217 - How a black community was erased from uptown Charlotte

Happy Friday! 

If you've been following our Fact Friday series for a while, you know we've covered the African-American community, Brooklyn, and its historical significance a few times. But this week, the Charlotte Observer wrote about how there's been some conflict between city leaders and the developers of the proposed Brooklyn Village (new development). As the article talked through some of the differing points of view, the editors included a video from a separate article that was published back in January that I found fascinating, as it included tons of footage and interviews I've never seen. 

The history geek in me just had to share it with you guys! 

Kudos to the folks over at the Observer and Tom Hanchett for putting this together!


"The Charlotte Observer takes a look at a black community that was erased from Charlotte's uptown area due to Urban Renewal. Plans to develop the area with apartments and stores have been controversial due to the history."

You can find all of our Fact Fridays that touch on the Brooklyn community here

Until next week!


Email me at chris@704shop.com if you have interesting Charlotte facts you’d like to share or just to provide feedback!

Information taken from: 

Charlotte Observer - "Brooklyn: How a black community was erased from uptown Charlotte," by Stephanie Bunao, Matt Walsh, and Reed Klass; January 2019.

“We have to do with the past only as we can make it useful to the present and the future.” – Frederick Douglass

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