Fact Friday 10 - 49ers Everywhere!

Its back-to-school season once again for the 49ers! The academic year officially began August 15 and daytime classes start back August 25. In the fall of last year, UNC Charlotte’s (UNCC) enrollment was at 27,000 students and the school anticipates that figure to grow 30% over the next 6 years. By 2020, enrollment is expected to be near 35,000. In terms of enrollment, UNCC is the fastest-growing university in the UNC system, accounting for nearly half of all growth of the entire system (which consists of 17 institutions) during the last five years. Scott, Jerri, and I are all 49ers, so we’re most certainly proud to see the school grow, expand, and continue to make significant contributions to the city’s economic engine. Until next week, stay cool everybody!


 Email me at chris@704Shop.com if you have interesting Charlotte facts you’d like to share!

UNC Charlotte Student Union and courtyard

Credit: http://cres.uncc.edu/on/student-union

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